Portrait of Paul Paul's Art


Paul had many talents, but most are not so easily shared with others as his art. So, here is a small sample of the art he created over the years.

Paul loved not only to draw, but to learn about the history of art, the styles and motivations of the various artists, and to view art. His favorite artists were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Vincent van Gogh, Edvard Munch, Thomas Gainsborough, Joshua Reynolds, Herb Kane, and Claude Monet. He knew about many others, and had seen their paintings in places such as these:

Paul looked forward to visiting the British Museum in London, The Louvre in Paris, the Sistine Chapel in Rome, and the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, but it was not to be.

On to the Art!

This is a small sample of Paul's artwork. They are all mixed up, from school assigments to formal pictures to doodles in his notebook. Some of the doodles were recently rescued from the recycle bin, as Paul didn't consider them worth saving.

The earliest picture in this sample dates to 1997, when Paul was in the 2nd grade, and continues to 2005. More will be posted over the coming months.

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Last Updated: 13-Nov-2007
© 2007 The Stockhoff Family
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